Personal Protective Equipment and Health & Safety

Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) must be worn by employees that need to be protected against risks in the workplace for their personal health and safety.  The types of clothing and equipment used will depend on the specific job description and what types of equipment and processes the particular staff member will be exposed to.

Provision and maintenance of P.P.E.:
The employer is responsible for paying for all P.P.E., and correct clothing (purpose and size) must be supplied to all employees. Replacement protective equipment must be readily available, and the employer is legally obliged to provide all training with regards to the proper use and maintenance of P.P.E.

Choosing the correct PPE:
A thorough risk assessment of all work areas needs to be performed on a regular basis.  This will determine the types of PPE required, based on the specific hazards identified.
Things to consider:
· Is the PPE suitable for the risk involved? For example, one can’t wear goggles if full-face protection is required.
. Does the PPE lower the overall risk?  Wearing gloves, for instance, can cause increased risk of entanglement in some cases.
·         Does the PPE fit the wearer correctly? For example, people who wear glasses are limited with their use of ear and face protection.
·         What are the demands that will be placed on the PPE? How long will it need to be worn, what strain will it take, and are there visibility requirements?
·         Is all the PPE that needs to be worn by one person compatible? For example, can earmuffs and face protection be worn together if necessary?
·         Can the risk be controlled to protect everyone in the work area (such as a machine guard) instead of just clothing for one person?
·         Does the PPE restrict the wearer (limited mobility and/or visibility), and is this restriction less hazardous than the risk it is meant to protect against?